About me

How I broke a 27-year cycle of yo-yo dieting to experience a huge transformation in health and happiness (and what it means for you).

I see you. You want to ditch diets forever without giving up hope that your body can work better for you.

You want to support your health, but struggle to stay on track with any new eating or exercise program long-term. And yeah, you feel guilty and stressed out about it. Sometimes you aren’t even sure where the line between healthy eating and a fad diet IS, but you DO know a life of deprivation and willpower does NOT work. And not only is it exhausting how much of your time and brainpower is spent thinking about food (especially if you are the only one going to eat the stuff or you need to please your whole family), but life is just… Well, it’s a lot. So you bounce between feeling motivated and hopeless.

You want to take care of you, but life keeps getting in the way.

You’ve probably tried eating less and moving more, clean eating, Keto, Paleo or Whole 30, possibly Weight Watchers or South Beach. Maybe you’ve tried intuitive eating or just loving yourself the way you are. And to handle the stress of life, you’ve done checklists, time-saving hacks, and squeezing in a bit more self-care. But it’s just not cutting it.

You need more than tips and hacks, you need a long-term, nourishing solution.

Hi, I’m Jami and I help busy humans ditch the diet and rehab your mindset to access a journey that feels free, easy, and supports your health.

I’ve been there 

I was put on my first diet at age 9 – when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I took the same low-calorie sack lunch to school day-after-day while my friends ate the school’s pizza or chili with a cinnamon roll. I rode an exercise bike at home which quickly went from fun to feeling like a punishment for how bad and fat I had become. I snuck food – treats and extra bites as I was clearing the table.

Looking back on photos of that time, I see an average-sized kid who was led to believe she wasn’t good enough because of a number on a growth chart. I wish I could reach through time and give her a big ‘ol hug and tell her how amazing she is just as she is. Period.

Over the next 25+ years, I would bounce back and forth between gaining weight and losing weight – between dieting and feeling hopeless. I lost over 50lbs twice in my 20s, but it came back and more.

By my mid-30s, I was married, had 2 kids under three, was running a small business, trying to be a good friend, spouse, daughter, etc. I felt like I was eating pretty healthy, but the scale kept ticking up – about 10 pounds a year. Which was terrifying, because what did that mean for my 40s, 60s, 80s?! It was too scary to think about, so I often didn’t.

Plus, I was exhausted All. The. Time. Life kept dishing out a never-ending list of responsibilities and to-dos lists. I really wanted to enjoy my kids, but instead I was regularly losing patience with them and frankly, it was hard for my body to keep up with them.

My mind was a constantly ping-ponging between all the things I should be doing:

  • “What should I make for dinner?”

  • “My work inbox is out of control. I really need to get caught up.”

  • “Grr… just STOP and just be present with your kiddo right now!!!”

  • “Shit. I still haven’t texted my friend back.”

  • “Ugh…these pants feel SO tight. Should I try to do something about it AGAIN or go shopping?”





Be Present!




Don't forget your friends!


These pants are so tight!


Dinner! 〰️ Work! 〰️ Be Present! 〰️ Laundry! 〰️ Don't forget your friends! 〰️ These pants are so tight! 〰️

A turning point

I got a last-minute opportunity to go to Jamaica for a 4 night, all-inclusive vacation with two other couples. No kids. No schedule. No to-do list. I got to just go with the flow and say ‘yes’ to whatever sounded like fun in the moment.

It. Was. Glorious.

Jami Fassett – A fair-skinned woman wearing sunglasses is sipping a frozen drink while lounging in a chair. The ocean and sandy beach is in the background. She's wearing a black swimsuit covered with a white sarong with black lizards.

While sipping my cocktail on the beach, I realized I felt more like myself than I had in years. I felt happy and relaxed and free.

But that peaceful feeling quickly turned to panic. Would I only feel this way once every 3 to 5 years when I could afford to go on an all-inclusive vacation without the kids?!?... 

No. No. Nooooooooooooooooo. 

I didn’t know how I would do it. But I knew I needed a change. I needed less stress and more joy daily.

And it turns out that shift in focus was also a key to unlocking the path of healthy, sustainable weight loss that actually worked!

Why work with me 1:1?

Jami Fassett – a fair-skinned woman with blonde shoulder-length hair and blue eyes looks at the camera, smiling. She's wearing a white, sleeveless top with red and blue flowers. Blurry grass is in the background.

If parts of my story sound all too familiar, and you can’t take it anymore either, but aren’t sure where to start – you are in the right place.

I’ve got you. 

I’ve created a new way – one that addresses the mindset traps and hurdles that are keeping you in the struggle so you can finally do things differently.

I will help you uncover the underlying stories that are getting in your way and guide you in a process to rewrite them and learn to trust yourself again.

You deserve a journey that feels free, easy, and supportive of your health – one where weight loss can be a happy side effect rather than an all-consuming focus.

I can help you do this, because I’ve done it myself. 

I am also a trained Life Coach (completed Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach training program) and an EDIT™ Certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach.

Food freedom and a joyful life is possible

At the airport in Jamaica, I picked up the TIME Magazine special on “The Science of Happiness.” That vacation and flight home marks the beginning of a massive, positive shift in my life.

I started small – practicing one tiny mindset tool at a time, which gave me some breathing room from the stressors in my life. Six months later, I hired a business coach which ended up being a gift for my whole life. I uncovered heaps of head trash getting in my way. I came to see a disconnect between my essential self (the real, authentic me) and my social self (the person I learned to be in order to fit in and be loved).

With newfound awareness and tools, I started on a gradual healing journey – mentally, emotionally and physically. Eventually, I felt ready to think about weight loss again, but this time it was just one small piece of the change I was working towards, no longer my primary focus. And doing it in a way that aligned with my goal to have more joy and ease in my life made it wildly different from any other attempt before.

Small tweaks towards more joy in my life felt so doable in the moment, which made them possible. And together they added up over time to a HUGE transformation in my health and happiness.

This is me on my birthday, 22 months after that vacation that kick started it all. I couldn’t believe how much things had changed. Words fell short… I needed to capture, to SHOW, how amazing I felt.

I turned my life around in every way possible:

  • Found freedom from some of my life’s biggest stressors

  • Turned down the volume on the obnoxious judge and other mean voices in my head

  • Learned to listen to my body and work in harmony with it

  • Sleeping better and waking up rested

  • More energy and time to say “yes” to things I want to do

  • Have easily maintained a 70lb weight loss for six years now, after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting

  • Found peace and joy with food instead of guilt, shame and stress eating

  • Stopped dreading exercise and started enjoying movement that fills me up

  • Being truly present with and enjoying time with my kids

  • Better communication and less judgment with my spouse

  • Discovered and found time to enjoy multiple hobbies, after having none

A positive transformation is possible for you too

I’m passionate about helping ditch the diet forever and access a life-long journey that feels free, easy, and supports your health.

What People Are Saying

Fun tidbits about me

Here are some totally random, fun facts. 

  • I love dark chocolate and peanut butter. I eat one or both nearly every single day. 

  • I don’t like who I become when I’m hangry. So I’m the mom who stuffs packs of nuts in every purse and car. Not for the kids, but for ME.

  • My one tattoo marks the life-changing experience of studying abroad in Australia.

  • “Ideal retirement” looks like traveling – sampling and savoring tasty foods across the globe with my husband, one month at a time once our nest is empty – and working til the day I die because I love what I do THAT much.

Ditch the diet and find YOUR joyful way forward, today.